Translation of Educational Institutions 學校名稱的翻譯
補習班 cram class; extension class
補習學校 continuation school
財經大學 university of finance and economics
財經學院 institute of finance and economics
殘障學校 cripple school
成人學院 adult school
初級中學 middle school; junior high school
傳播學院 college of communication
船舶學院 shipping institute
大學預備學校 college preparatory school
黨校 Communist Party school
地質學院 geological institute
電機製造學校 school of electrical machinery manufacturing
電力學院 institute of electric power
電視大學 TV university
電訊工程學院 institute of telecommunication engineering
電影學院 cinema college; cinema institute
對外貿易大學 university of foreign trade
法學院 college of law; law school
紡織大學 textile university
紡織工學院 institute of textile engineering
紡織機械學院 textile machinery college
分校 branch school
分院 branch institute; college
佛學院 institute of Buddhist studies
附屬學校 attached school
附小 attached primary school
附中 attached middle school
幹校 cadre school
高等師範專科學院 junior teachers’college
高等專科學校 junior college; tertiary school for specialized training
大學專科教育 2-to-3-year higher education non-degree
大學文憑 a college diploma
大學升學率 enrollment to colleges and universities
教育要面向現代化,面向世界,面向未來 Gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future
教書育人 to impart knowledge and educate/ cultivate one’s students
教師住宅 teacherage
教員休息室 staff room; common room
教學大綱 POI; teaching programme; syllabus
啟發式 elicitation method of teaching; heuristic method
雙學士制 a double BA degree system
學分制 credit system
在職培訓 on-the-job/ in-service training
高級中學 senior high school
工學院 college of engineering
工業學校 engineering school
工業學院 polytechnical school
工業大學 polytechnical university
公立學校 public school; provided school
公路學院 highway institute
國際關係學院 institute of international relations
國際商學院 institute of international commerce
國際政治學院 institute of international politics
海軍軍官學校 naval school
海軍學院 naval academy
海洋學院 oceanography institute
海運學院 mercantile marine institute
函授學校 correspondence school
航空工業學校 school of aeronautical engineering
航海學校 marine school
航太大學 aerospace university
護士學校 nurses’ training school; school of nursing
化工學院 college/institute of chemical engineering
機械製造學校 machinery manufacturing school
寄宿學校 boarding school
技工學校 technical school
建築工程學院 institute of architectural engineering
講習班 tutorial class
教務處 office of the dean of studies
教育學院 educational college
進修班 class of advanced training
進修學院 college of continuing education
經濟學院 institute of economics
礦業學院 institute ,會議口譯;of mining technology
科研處 science and
老年大學 college of continuing education for senior citizens
理工大學 university of science and technology
理工學院 college of science and technology
理學院 college of science
聯合大學 collegiate university
林學院 forestry institute
陸軍軍官學校 military academy
盲啞學校 blind & dumb school
美術學院 college of fine arts
農學院 agricultural college
農業大學 agricultural university
女子學校 girls’ school
氣象學校 meteorological school
少年業餘體育學校 children’s amateur athletic school; children’s spare time sports school
師範大學 normal university
師範學校 normal school
師範學院 teachers’ college
師範專科學校 junior teachers’ college
石油學院 petroleum institute
水產學院 marine product college
水利電力學院 institute of water conservancy and electric power
私立學校 private school
民辦大學 non-governmental university
鐵道學院 railway institute
團校 Communist Youth League school
外國語大學 university of foreign languages; foreign studies university; international studies university
外國語學院 institute of foreign languages
外交學院 institute of diplomacy
衛生學校 hygiene school; health school
文理學院 college of arts & science
文學院 college of liberal ,英文翻譯;arts
戲劇學院 drama institute
小學 primary school
研究生院 graduate school
藥學院 college of pharmacy
醫科大學 medical university
藝術學校 art school
音樂學院 conservatory of music
郵電學院 institute of post and telecommunications
幼兒師範專科學校 children normal training school
幼稚園 kindergarten
政法學院 institute of political science and law
職業學校 vocational school
中醫大學 university of traditional Chinese medicine
重點學校 key school
函授學校 correspondence school