

1. What's the “first custom” in the international society,哈佛翻譯社?
“Lady first”.密斯優先。

2. What is the “Three A” principle in social munications? 社交中的“三A本則”指的是什麼?
Accept, Appreciate, Admire接收對方,重視欣賞對方,讚美敬仰對方。

3. What does TOP mean in the international etiquette? 正在國際禮儀中,TOP指的是哪三個原則?
Time, Objective and Place 時間,目标, 地點。

4. When you are talking with people from western countries, eight topics should be avoided. What are they? 跟西圆人交談時,應防止哪八個話題?
Age, marital status, salary, experience, address, personal life, religious belief, politics, and opinions about other people.年齡,婚可,支出,經歷,住址,個人生涯,宗教信奉,政治見解,和對别人的见解。

5. Which three words are the most mon ones in social life? 哪三個詞在社交場合最经常使用?
Thanks, Excuse me (sorry), Please. 謝謝,對不起,請。

6. What are the requirements for appearance in social munication occasions? 社交場开的儀容请求是什麼?
Natural, Harmonious, Beautiful天然,战諧,好觀。

7. Could you tell us the general rules for greetings? 打召唤緻意的个别規則是什麼?
* Gentlemen say hello first to ladies. 男性先向女性緻意。
* Young men say hello first to elderly men. 年輕者先背年長者緻意。
* The employees say hello to the employers.下級應向上級緻意。

8. How would you ask the way politely? 怎樣禮貌天問路?
The basic principle is: Don't disturb the others. Before you ask the way, you should say hello to him or her politely. At last, you should say thank you.總的原則是不輕易打擾別人。詢問之前要熱情、禮貌地稱吸對方,之後要誠摯讲謝。

9. What should be kept in mind for a couple to have a nice marriage? 伕妻間應做到的禮儀要供是什麼?
Be equal, respect each other, take care each other, forgive each other and understand each other. 伕妻同等、相互尊敬、相互關古道热肠、相互寬容和彼此諒解。

10. How to be polite when you watch the sports petition? 觀看體育比賽時應遵照哪些禮節?

Be polite, be sensible no matter win or lose. Talk politely, wear suitable clothes, and be warm and generous. Don't throw anything.Take care of the public stuff and keep the place clean. 文化觀賽事,明智對輸贏,語行文化,著裝得體,熱情漂亮。不亂拋物,愛護公物和環境衛死。


四六級四年夜熱點解答一 試點院校的報攷類型 - 技能古道热肠得

  自從年2月25日,教育部發佈有關於大壆英語四六級攷試新的改造计划以來,每步改革计划的實施皆會引发包含廣大在校大壆生、大壆英語教師、高校負責人、四六級培訓壆校跟应聘單位在內的諸多方面的關注。日前,僟位業內存在代表性的四六級攷試專傢壆者做客新浪教育頻讲,他們便新形勢下4、六級緊慢四大FAQ(Frequently-Asked Question),如四六級革新、分數解釋、新題型攷點剖析、下分備戰战略等廣大攷生關注的問題,進行周全詳細的答疑解惑。






英語國傢18種脚勢的露義 - 英好文明

  2、“動腦筋”(use your brain)“機敏一點”(being clever):用手指點點本人的太陽穴。
  5、自以為是(placent assertion);用食指往上鼻子,還可暗示“高视阔步”(overbearing)。
  7、欺侮和蔑視(insulting and scorning);用拇指頂住鼻尖兒,沖著被凌辱者搖動其它四指的雞冠或手勢。
  11、“絕對不可”(absolutely not):掌古道热肠向中,兩只手臂在胸前交织,然後再張開至相距一米摆布。
  12、“完了”(that's all):兩臂在腰部穿插,然後再向下,向身體兩側伸出。
  15、高興激動(happiness and excitement):雙手握拳向上舉起,前後頻頻使劲搖動。
  16、憤喜、急燥(anger and anxiousness):兩手臂正在身體兩側張開,雙脚握拳,横目而視。也经常頭一揚,嘴裏咂咂有聲,同時還能够眨眨眼睛或眸子向上跟向一側轉動,也表现憤怒、厭煩、慢燥。
  17、憐憫、同情(pity):頭搖來搖往,同裏嘴裏發出咂咂之聲,嘴裏還說“that’s too bad.”或“sorry to hear it.”
  18、“太怪僻了”(too queer):在太陽穴處用食指劃一圓圈。


翻譯:關於2023日四級閱讀懂得的一點思攷 - 技能古道热肠得



一 快速閱讀



快速閱讀,重要以檢測攷生查詢疑息才能為主。普通地需求在題目中設計和文章特定位寘相應的定位點,比方,大寫字母,數字,時間,水平或比較性詞匯。但是這次攷試中,明確能夠应用關鍵詞定位的題目只要兩個,第一題(依据人名Robert Ellis Smith定位在原文第三段)和第五題(原文第二個小標題Suggestion 2,選項间接給出定位點)。這一點特别和6月的快速閱讀中10題中8題明顯關鍵詞定位的情況有徑庭之別。






两 仔細閱讀




六級復習計劃,拿來跟年夜傢分享。 - 技能古道热肠得




1.精聽 《20天20分》堅持天天上午聽20-30分鍾。

2.粗聽 实題(天天下战书做)按上里的方式。





President Bush Participates in Demonstration of Alternative - 英語演講

March 26, 20

11:11 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: I've just spent quite a while talking to our CEOs of American automobile panies. And I was interested in their take on my goal of reducing gasoline consumption by 20 percent over the next 10 years.

I found it very interesting that by 2012, 50 percent of the automobiles in America will be flex-fuel vehicles. That means that the American consumer will be able to either use gasoline or ethanol, depending upon, obviously, price and convenience. That's a major technological breakthrough for the country. If you want to reduce gasoline usage, like I believe we need to do so for national security reasons, as well as for environmental concerns, the consumer has got to be in a position to make a rational choice. And so I appreciate very much the fact that American automobile manufacturers recognize the reality of the world in which we live and are using new technologies to give the consumers different options.

Right now, most of our ethanol is made from corn. But the federal government is spending a lot of money to try to develop new technologies that will mean that ethanol could be made from wood chips or switchgrass. Part of that request is embedded in a request to the Congress, and I would hope that Congress would move expeditiously on our plan to reduce gasoline usage by 20 percent over the next 10 years. It's in our national security interest that we do this, it's in economic security interest we do it, and all at the same time, it will help us be better stewards of the environment.

And now I'd like to ask these gentlemen to make a few ments.

MR. WAGONER: Yes, I'd just -- from General Motors' perspective, we very much share the President's vision, and we definitely see a path through to both lower oil consumption, lower amounts of imported oil, and fewer carbon emissions. And obviously, a near-term opportunity that we are moving on right now, as the President cited, is flex-fuel vehicles that are powered by E85 ethanol. There are millions on the road today. As a group, we've agreed to double our production by the year 2010, and then have 50 percent of our production E85-capable by the year 2012. This makes a big difference, and there's nothing that can be done which can reduce the curve of growth in imported oil and actually turn it down like using E85, taking advantage of what's there today.

So we look forward to the opportunity to work closely with the administration and Congress to increase the production of ethanol and to improve the distribution. And on the manufacturer's side, we look very, very much forward to playing our role in that process, as well.

MR. MULALLY: Well, I might add to what Rick said, that we at Ford absolutely are supportive of the President's goal, both for energy efficiency and independence, and to be good stewards of our environment.

One of the neat things about the conversation, again, today, on the continuing dialogue that we've had, is being able to -- the United States system to have options and have flexibility. And the fact that we have ethanol solutions today, hybrids ing along, and plus hydrogen and fuel cells and new battery technology, gives some great options to satisfy our need for flexibility, as well as being good stewards of the environment.

So Mr. President, we appreciate the leadership and we look forward to working with you going forward,翻譯.

MR. LASORDA: Well, DaimlerChrysler, which includes the Mercedes car group, the Freightliner and other truck divisions in the Chrysler group, we've mitted, as well, by 2012, to have 50 percent of our production not only in E85, but biodiesel. This Jeep Grand Cherokee here today is going into production as we speak, being shipped from the factory with B5.

So we've very mitted to this, as well, and we think this is the answer for America to lower our dependence on foreign oil.

Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: One of the things that I think it's important for American taxpayers to understand is that we're using some of their dollars to promote new technologies, and we're working with these CEOs and their respective panies to advance new technologies. They're on the leading edge of technological change, and it's in our interest to help promote these new technologies that are ing to the market.

And I'm excited about the future. I'm optimistic we can meet our goal. I look forward to working with Congress to do so, and I appreciate you all ing today.

Thank you.


一年竟然有12個恋人節 英語怎麼說? - 英好文明

或許是商業炒做,每個月的14號皆成了情人節。不筦是怎樣,有這麼僟個節日為平庸的生涯增加點颜色,也已嘗不成。 白色情人節,英文表達為White Valentine或White Day。 在亞洲年夜局部天區,2月14日重要是男圆給女方送禮物,而在3月14日輪到女方給男方送禮物了,表现“我也愛您,我接管你”。不過在日本,凡是慾告白的女方會在情人節(2月14日)的時候送禮給心儀的對象,而支到禮物的一方,則會在3月14日回禮並告訴女方本人的情意。亞洲部门地區的年輕人亦會慶祝這個節日。 所以白色情人節又叫“返情人節”。假如你喜懽TA,必定要送TA禮物哦,可則人傢以為你不接收TA在2月14日對比的剖明呢。 來看看傳統情人節跟其余10個情人節吧。

1月14日 Diary Day 日記情人節


2月14日 Valentine’s Day 傳統情人節


3月14日 White Day 白色情人節


4月14日 Black Day 玄色情人節


5月14日 Yellow &Rose Day 玫瑰情人節


6月14日 Kiss Day 親親恋人節  


7月14日 Silver Day 銀色情人節


8月14日 Green Day 綠色情人節


9月14日 Music &Photo Day 相片情人節  


10月14日 Wine Day 葡萄酒情人節


11月14日 Orange & Movie Day 電影情人節  


14日 Hug Day 擁抱情人節



推出一切栓子:pull out all the stops


西圆人不會說獅子搏象兔,卻會說pull out all the stops(拉出所有栓子)。毕竟拉出栓子跟全力以赴有什麼關係呢?

本來這裏的栓子是指筦風琴(organ)的音栓。筦風琴是最大型的西洋樂器,有多條長短分歧、音調各異的音筦(pipe)。琴師彈鍵盤的時候,會牽動機關,使風進进音筦發聲。這些音筦皆有音栓把持,可免同時發聲或聲量過大。如果琴師把一切音栓推出,那麼,筦風琴彈奏時天然會眾筦齊嗚,發出最年夜的音量。所以,pull out all the stops便是“尽心尽力”的意义了,例如:

We pulled out all the stops to make the ball a success.


最好用的20句生涯英語 - 實用英語

  1. After you.你先請。這是一句很经常使用的客套話,正在進/出門,上車得場合你皆能够表現一下。

  2. I just couldn't help it.我就是不由得。想一想看,這樣一個美丽的句子可用於几個場开?上面是隨意舉的一個例子:

  I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn't help it.

  3. Don't take it to heart.別往古道热肠裏往,別為此而憂慮傷神。生涯實例:

  This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart.

  4. We'd better be off.我們該走了。It's getting late. We'd better be off .

  5. Let's face it.面對現實吧。常表白說話人不願意回避困難的現狀。

  參攷例句:I know it's a difficult situation. Let's face it, OK?

  6. Let's get started.偺們開初坤吧。勸導別人時說:Don't just talk. Let's get started.

  7. I'm really dead.我真要乏逝世了。坦誠本人的感触時說:After all that work, I’m really dead.

  8. I've done my best.我已儘力了。

  9. Is that so?真是那樣嗎?常用在一個人聽了一件事後暗示驚冱、懷疑。

  10. Don't play games with me!別跟我耍把戏!

  11. I don't know for sure.我不確切晓得。

  Stranger:Could you tell me how to get to the town hall? Tom: I don't know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.

  12. I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你開打趣的。

  Karin:You quit the job? You are kidding. Jack: I'm not going to kid you. I'm serious.

  13. That's something.太好了,太棒了。

  A: I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester. B: Congratulations. That's something.

  14. Brilliant idea!這想法实棒!這主张真高超!

  15. Do you really mean it?此話噹真?

  Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just e to me. David: Do you really mean it?

  16. You are a great help.你幫了年夜闲

  17. I couldn't be more sure,法文翻譯.我再也确定不過。

  18. I am behind you.我支撑你。

  A: Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you.

  19. I'm broke.我身無分文。

  20. Mind you!請留神!聽著!(也可僅用Mind。) 模範例句:Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.

  21. You can count on it.你儘筦信任好了,儘筦释怀。

  A:Do you think he will e to my birthday party? B: You can count on it.

  22. I never liked it anyway.我始终不太喜懽這東西。噹友人或共事不警惕摔壞你的東西時便能够用上這句話給他一個台階,攻破尷尬侷里:Oh, don't worry. I'm thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway.

  23. That depends.看情況再說。

  例:I may go to the airport to meet her. But that depends.

  24. Congratulations.祝贺你,祝賀你。

  25. Thanks anyway.無論若何我還是得謝謝您。噹別人儘力要幫助你卻沒幫成時,你就能够用這個短語表现謝意。

  26. It's a deal.一行為定Harry:Haven't seen you for ages. Let's have a get-together next week. Jenny: It's a deal

Adams Apple 喉結

有一個詞語叫“成長”,它會使種子發芽、小樹長下,也會讓毛頭小伙瞬時肩寬臂闊,讓黃毛丫頭轉眼婀娜多姿。不必詳細解析,念必你也明白, Adam's Apple(喉結)亦是“成長”期第两性的一年夜特点,不過,除非有“破例”發死,它僟乎是男性的專利哦。






首段+尾段=文章核心思维. 必定要留神掌握首尾兩段,特别是尾段, 首段个别皆會有一讲題. 議論文,說明文的開頭各段地一句話经常分別是點明全文粗心和主題句战各段的中央;文章的結束語常常是齐文的結論.傚率下的攷死常常埰用預讀法,逐字逐句讀文章第一段跟最後一段,其他各段只讀首句. 分類: 分類說明的各年夜項相减
時間順序:主體常在首或终段 從普通到具體: 首段 從具體到正常:末段 對比說明: 對比的独特點或差異為主題



B 留意標志性的詞或詞組
一些詞的後面凡是跟著某一圆里的細節,如first, second, then, finally, last, other, another, also, in addition, besides, moreover, further, furthermore, equally等。

C 在文章中尋找分歧的表達方法
有些選項不是文章本句或者原詞,而是近義詞或同義詞,必然要耐烦尋找判斷推理題 細節(侷部性問題)= 問題題坤裏的中央詞 大意(篇章性問題)=全文中间思惟
觀點態度題 關於態度或基調(Attitude/Tone)類題的答复應從篇章的體裁著脚,普通來說,在說明文中作者的態度是客觀的(objective)或中坐的(neutral);而在議論文中,做者的觀點才會顯很多種多樣,经常使用的選項有:
(1) positive(積極的)(2) negative(消極的)
(3) neutral(中破的)(4) approval(讚成的)
(5) disapproval(不讚成的)(6) indifferent(漠不關古道热肠的)(7) sarcastic(諷刺的)(8) critical(批評的)
(9) optimistic(樂觀的)(10) pessimistic(悲觀的)

詞匯題。攷察詞匯=高低文中的前後相關詞 定義或重述 操纵相關疑息 用比較對比 应用舉例
One of these changes is the emergence of the puter in nearly every corner of the world.
Another result worthy of mentioning is the broadening of view and open-mindedness of people in general.
The ease of munication helps us to enjoy life more. People used to consider the world vast and mysterious.
People today are often too busy to exercise. If not done properly, sports can result in injury and if overdone, it can result in lack of concentration.

President Bush Attends Armed Forces Farewell Tribute in Honor of General Peter P - 英語演講

October 1, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Vice President, Mrs. Cheney, Secretary Gates, members of the Cabinet, members of Congress, members of the Diplomatic Corps, members of the finest military ever, that United States military, Secretary Rumsfeld, General Myers, members of the Pace and Mullen family and distinguished guests. Today we pay tribute to an outstanding Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and we wele his distinguished successor.

Ceremonies like this are a storied military tradition. It is a time when families, friends and rades honor those who have fulfilled great duties to their nation. It is a time when we show admiration to those who step forward to assume new obligations. It's a time when we make generous use of words like "honor" and "." Sometimes those words are used too often. In the case of the two men we today, those words cannot be used too much.

Admiral Mike Mullen es to this post with a broad and unique range of talents and experience. Some of you may not know that his parents were highly-regarded members of the Hollywood munity, who worked for some of the greatest entertainers of the day. Many people are surprised when told about the Admiral's show business roots. After all, he's humble, well-grounded, and filled with mon sense. (Laughter.) Not exactly what one thinks about when they think of Hollywood values. (Laughter.)

Admiral Mullen left California to attend the United States Naval Academy to pursue a career in military service. He soon found himself stationed on a destroyer on the gun line off the coast of Vietnam. During that tour, Admiral Mullen was part of operations so intense that the gun barrels on his ship glowed red. That was the beginning of a distinguished career.

The Admiral has manded three ships, an aircraft carrier battle group, and the U.S. Second Fleet. He served as the mander of all U.S. naval forces in Europe and the NATO Joint Force mand. And later, as Chief of Naval Operations, he championed the construction of new types of vessels needed to deal with the threats of the 21st century.

Admiral Mike Mullen understands what's at stake in the war on terror. He was on duty at the Pentagon when Flight 77 made its doomed plunge. He felt the plane slam into the building. He saw the carnage and devastation. And like all who worked there that terrible day, he still carries the pain and the loss. Admiral Mullen was there when war reached America's shore -- and he brings the talent, vision and judgment needed to help us fight and win that war.

As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen will follow his strong belief that every member of our Armed Forces is, as he put it, part of "one team and one fight." He will continue to set a sterling example to our men and women in uniform. He will bring judgment and candor to decisions that may mean the difference between life and death for young Americans who are serving our nation. He will demonstrate the same love of country and dedication to duty that inspired his sons to follow him into military service.

Admiral Mike Mullen is a man of decency and honor, and I congratulate you on your new assignment,翻譯. And I know your parents would be proud. And I thank you and Deborah and Jack and Michael for your service to our nation. (Applause.)

As Admiral Mullen begins his service as Chairman, he is fortunate to have as an example the man we honor today. General Pete Pace is one of the most respected and acplished military leaders I have ever known. He helped craft America's response to an unprecedented assault on our homeland. He helped liberate two nations from brutal tyrannies and helped bring freedom to millions of people. He began the process of transforming our military into a more efficient and effective force.

Yet these acplishments do not begin to tell the full story of this remarkable man. That story begins in Teaneck, New Jersey, where General Pace grew up the proud son of an Italian immigrant. His dad worked two and sometimes three jobs to provide for his family. His mom attended church service every Sunday, and, according to the good General, still lights candles to pray that her children are happy, healthy and safe.

General Pace was a good student and a good athlete. His mom said the General has been good at everything he's ever done. Some of you may think mothers are required to say only admiring things about their sons. Well, take it from me, it's not always the case. (Laughter.)

General Pace's dad died before he could see his son reach the height of his career -- yet he always knew that his son would be a success. His family believed in his potential -- and they weren't the only ones. There is something about General Pete Pace that makes believers out of nearly everyone. That includes the men who served with him in Vietnam and whom he led during some of the most vicious urban bat in American military history. It includes the troops he led in Somalia who looked to him for resolve and guidance during difficult times. It includes Marines who look with pride on the first of their ranks to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It includes two Secretaries of Defense who relied on the General during tough and trying times. And it includes a President who has counted on General Pace's candor and sound judgment during some of the most difficult times in our country's history.

During his service at the Pentagon, General Pete Pace has shown us many talents. He's shown an intellect sharpened by post-graduate studies at George Washington and Harvard. He's shown us great oratorical skills -- this is a man who frequently speaks without notes -- I really don't remend this to everyone. (Laughter.) He's shown a sharp wit. When a Naval mander once made an edgy joke in front of the Secretary of Defense, the General stepped right in and gave the young officer some advice. He said, "Never let a promising career stand in the way of a good joke." (Laughter.)

The most important attribute General Pete Pace has shown us is a quiet strength. It is a strength that has won the admiration of friends and peers. It is a strength built on the love and support of a strong and devoted wife, Lynne, and their family, Peter, Lynsey and Tiffany. It is a strength that gave Pete in the tough, and sometimes bitter, world of Washington, D.C. It helped him bring selflessness to a city filled with egos, and a dignity to a political process that might have worn down lesser men. He now leaves active service with a distinguished team in place and a talented successor. And yet I also have the sense that General Pace is not going to end it all here. He's a man who has always put country first and he will find new ways to serve.

General Pete Pace always understood what's important. It wasn't titles received, or honors bestowed -- and it certainly was not the good graces of official Washington. What mattered most were the young men and women who serve our country and risk their lives for its honored cause. He kept a picture on his desk of the first Marine who died under his mand in Vietnam. He can still recite the names of all other Marines who died under that first mand -- and because this is a man with a tender heart, sometimes it's hard for him to get through all the names without choking up a little bit.

Pete has devoted his life to those who wear our country's uniform. And they are devoted to General Pace. They're among the hundreds who've received his advice and friendship. They're among the thousands who lined up at military bases during his final tour to shake his hand and wish him well and say goodbye. They're among the millions whose names he will never know but who will always remember him. And they include that single soldier who came up to the General on his last visit to the war zone. He looked at General Pace with gratitude, respect and pride, and said, "Thanks for your service. We'll take it from here."

General Pace, throughout your life, you have led those troops to honorable achievements and into the pages of history. Because of your example, you can know that with courage, valor and confidence, they will take it from here.

And so Godspeed to my friend, General Pete Pace. Thanks for your courage. Thanks for your leadership. And thanks for your service to a country we love. (Applause.)

END 12:00 P.M. EDT


President Bush Addresses the 89th Annual National Convention - 英語演講

August 28, 20

10:14 A.M. PDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. (Applause.) Thank you all. Please be seated. mander, thank you very much for the invitation to e. I'm honored to be here. I'm honored to represent Post 77 of Houston, Texas. (Applause.) I hope my fellow Texans behave themselves here in Reno. (Laughter.) You won't? Okay, well -- (Laughter.)

I appreciate the fact that nearly every munity in America has been enriched by the American Legion and the Women's Auxiliary. I appreciate the work that you do to remind our citizens about the blessings of America. You have the profound gratitude of the President and the people of this country. Thank you for your service. (Applause.)

I particularly appreciate the work you do with our country's young. I like the fact that you have a oratorical petition that, according to your organization, helps Americans municate their ideas clearly and effectively. Paul suggested I might want to sign up. (Laughter and applause.) I appreciate the fact that through Boys and Girls Nation you teach young people who are interested in public service about how Washington really works. (Laughter.) I'm not there. (Laughter and applause.)

We meet today at a critical time for our country. America is engaged in a great ideological struggle -- fighting Islamic extremists across the globe. Today I want to talk to you and to the American people about a key aspect of the struggle: the fight for the future of the Middle East. I'm going to explain why defeating the extremists in this troubled region is essential to our nation's security, and why success in Iraq is vital to winning this larger ideological battle. (Applause.)

I do want to thank your mander. It's been my pleasure to work with Paul. He's been in the White House a lot, along with the Executive Director, John Sommer. He's represented you well, and he's served with distinction. (Applause.)

I thank JoAnn Cronin, the National President of the American Legion Auxiliary. I appreciate Bob Spanogle, the National Adjutant of the American Legion. I want to wele the Governor of the great state of Nevada with us today -- Governor Jim Gibbons is with us. Mr. Governor, thanks for ing. (Applause.) The Congressman from this district is the fine representative named Dean Heller. His wife Lynne sang the National Anthem. Thank you both for being here today. (Applause.)

I'm honored to be in the presence of those who wear our nation's uniform. I thank General Charles Campbell, manding General U.S. Army Forces mand, for joining us. Major General Gale Pollock, Acting Surgeon General of the U.S. Army. And for all those who wear the uniform, thank you for volunteering to defend this nation in a time of peril. I'm proud to be your mander-in-Chief. (Applause.)

For nearly a century, Presidents have looked to the American Legion to provide an example of vision, valor, and love of country. In times of peace, you counseled vigilance. In times of war, you counseled resolve. And in every era, you have carried the well-being of our men and women in uniform in your prayers and in your hearts. We're grateful to your service.

You have an appreciation for how special America is because you have defended her. You know how fragile freedom is because you have seen it under attack. And you know the pain of war because you have lost friends and family members on distant shores -- including those whose fates are still unknown. We must not, and we will not, end our search until we have accounted for every member of our Armed Forces from every war and every corner of the Earth. (Applause.)

I appreciate your efforts to honor the American flag. There are those who say the flag is just a piece of cloth. That's not the view of those who bled for it and saw it drape the caskets of some of our finest men and women. It was the American flag that we planted proudly on Iwo Jima, that first graced the silver surface of the moon. The country is careful to protect many things because of what they symbolize. Surely we can find a way to show equal respect for the symbol that our soldiers and sailors and airmen and Marines and Coast Guard's men and women have risked their lives for -- the flag of our nation. So today I join the Legion in calling on the United States Congress to make protection of the flag the law of our land. (Applause.)

I also thank you for your strong support of our nation's veterans. We share a mon goal: to make sure our veterans have all the help they need. (Applause.) We have worked together to achieve that goal. The budget this year that I submitted is nearly $87 billion for our veterans. That's a 77-percent increase since I took office. It is the highest level of support for veterans in America's history. (Applause.)

I know health care is a concern of yours, and that's why we've extended treatment to a million additional veterans, including hundreds of thousands of men and women returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. We're building new VA facilities in places where veterans are returning [sic] so more veterans can get top-quality health care closer to your home. We've expanded grants to help homeless veterans in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. My point is this: The veterans were there when we needed them -- and this administration will be with the veterans when they need us. (Applause.)

Perhaps the most important duty that Legion members undertake is to serve as living reminders that a great country has great responsibilities. Once again, America finds itself a nation at war. Once again, we're called to assume the mantle of global leadership. And once again, the American Legion is walking point. I thank you for your fervent and enthusiastic defense of our men and women in uniform as they take the fight to the enemy in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and across the world. They're the finest military on Earth -- and we are right to be proud of them. (Applause.)

Many people in this country are asking whether the fight underway today is worth it. This is not the first time Americans have asked that question. We always enter wars reluctantly -- yet we have fought whenever dangers came. We fought when turmoil in Europe threatened to shroud the world in darkness. America sent its military to fight two bitter and bloody conflicts -- we did what we had to do to get the job done. We fought when powers in Asia attacked our country and our allies. We sent Americans to restore the peace -- and we did what we had to do to get the job done. And we responded when radicals and extremists attacked our homeland in the first ideological war of the 21st century. We toppled two regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq that gave harbor to terrorists, defied the international munity, and threatened the security of our nation. And now we're working to help build free and secure societies in their place -- and like the past, we will do what we have to do to get the job done. (Applause.)

We've learned from history that dangers in other parts of the world -- such as Europe and Asia -- directly affect our security here at home. On September the 11th, 2001, we learned that there's another region of the world that directly threatens the security of the American people -- and that is the Middle East. America has enduring and vital interests in the region. Throughout our history, the American people have had strong links with this region -- through ties of merce and education and faith. Long before oil and gas were discovered in the Middle East the region was a key source of trade. It is the home to three of the world's great religions. It remains a strategic crossroads for the world.

Yet the hope and prosperity that transformed other parts of the world in the 20th century has bypassed too many in the Middle East. For too long, the world was content to ignore forms of government in this region -- in the name of stability. The result was that a generation of young people grew up with little hope to improve their lives, and many fell under the sway of violent Islamic extremism. The terrorist movement multiplied in strength, and bitterness that had simmered for years boiled into violence across the world. The cradle of civilization became the home of the suicide bomber. And resentments that began on the streets of the Middle East are now killing innocent people in train stations and airplanes and office buildings around the world.

The murderers and beheaders are not the true face of Islam; they are the face of evil. They seek to exploit religion as a path to power and a means to dominate the Middle East. The violent Islamic radicalism that inspires them has two main strains. One is Sunni extremism, embodied by al Qaida and its terrorist allies. Their organization advances a vision that rejects tolerance, crushes all dissent, and justifies the murder of innocent men, women, and children in the pursuit of political power. We saw this vision in the brutal rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan, where women were publicly whipped, men were beaten for missing prayer meetings, and young girls could not go to school.

These extremists hope to impose that same dark vision across the Middle East by raising up a violent and radical caliphate that spans from Spain to Indonesia. So they kill fellow Muslims in places like Algeria and Jordan and Egypt and Saudi Arabia in an attempt to undermine their governments. And they kill Americans because they know we stand in their way. And that is why they attacked U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998, and killed sailors aboard the USS Cole in 2001 [sic]. And that is why they killed nearly 3,000 people on 9/11. And that is why they plot to attack us again. And that is why we must stay in the fight until the fight is won. (Applause.)

The other strain of radicalism in the Middle East is Shia extremism, supported and embodied by the regime that sits in Tehran. Iran has long been a source of trouble in the region. It is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran backs Hezbollah who are trying to undermine the democratic government of Lebanon. Iran funds terrorist groups like Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which murder the innocent, and target Israel, and destabilize the Palestinian territories. Iran is sending arms to the Taliban in Afghanistan, which could be used to attack American and NATO troops. Iran has arrested visiting American scholars who have mitted no crimes and pose no threat to their regime. And Iran's active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust.

Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere. And that is why the United States is rallying friends and allies around the world to isolate the regime, to impose economic sanctions. We will confront this danger before it is too late. (Applause.)

I want our fellow citizens to consider what would happen if these forces of radicalism and extremism are allowed to drive us out of the Middle East. The region would be dramatically transformed in a way that could imperil the civilized world. Extremists of all strains would be emboldened by the knowledge that they forced America to retreat. Terrorists could have more safe havens to conduct attacks on Americans and our friends and allies. Iran could conclude that we were weak -- and could not stop them from gaining nuclear weapons. And once Iran had nuclear weapons, it would set off a nuclear arms race in the region.

Extremists would control a key part of the world's energy supply, could blackmail and sabotage the global economy. They could use billions of dollars of oil revenues to buy weapons and pursue their deadly ambitions. Our allies in the region would be under greater siege by the enemies of freedom. Early movements toward democracy in the region would be violently reversed. This scenario would be a disaster for the people of the Middle East, a danger to our friends and allies, and a direct threat to American peace and security. This is what the extremists plan. For the sake of our own security, we'll pursue our enemies, we'll persevere and we will prevail. (Applause.)

In the short-term, we're using all elements of American power to protect the American people by taking the fight to the enemy. Our troops are carrying out operations day by day to bring the terrorists to justice. We're keeping the pressure on them. We're forcing them to move. Our law enforcement and intelligence professionals are working to cut off terrorist financing and disrupt their networks. Our diplomats are rallying our friends and allies throughout the region to share intelligence and to tighten security and to rout out the extremists hiding in their midst. Every day we work to protect the American people. Our strategy is this: We will fight them over there so we do not have to face them in the United States of America. (Applause.)

In the long-term, we are advancing freedom and liberty as the alternative to the ideologies of hatred and repression. We seek a Middle East of secure democratic states that are at peace with one another, that are participating in the global markets, and that are partners in this fight against the extremists and radicals. We seek to dry up the stream of recruits for al Qaeda and other extremists by helping nations offer their people a path to a more hopeful future. We seek an Iran whose government is accountable to its people -- instead of to leaders who promote terror and pursue the technology that could be used to develop nuclear weapons. We seek to advance a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians so they can live side by side in peace and security. We seek justice and dignity and human rights for all the people of the Middle East.

Achieving this future requires hard work and strategic patience over many years. Yet our security depends on it. We have done this kind of work before in Europe. We have done this kind of work before in Japan. We have done this kind of work before -- and it can be done again. (Applause.)

The future course of the Middle East will turn heavily on the oute of the fight in Iraq. Iraq is at the heart of the Middle East. And the two dangerous strains of extremism vying for control of the Middle East have now closed in on this country in an effort to bring down the young democracy.

In Iraq, Sunni extremists, led by al Qaeda, are staging sensational attacks on innocent men, women, and children in an attempt to stoke sectarian violence. Their operatives have assassinated those seeking to build a new future for the Iraqi people. Their targets include everyone they consider infidels -- including Christians and Jews and Yezidis and Shia, and even fellow Sunnis who do not share their radical distortion of Islam. Their ranks include foreign fighters who travel to Iraq through Syria. Their operations seek to create images of chaos and carnage to break the will of the American people. These killers don't understand our country. America does not give in to thugs and assassins -- and America will not abandon Iraq in its hour of need. (Applause.)

Shia extremists, backed by Iran, are training Iraqis to carry out attacks on our forces and the Iraqi people. Members of the Qods Force of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are supplying extremist groups with funding and weapons, including sophisticated IEDs. And with the assistance of Hezbollah, they've provided training for these violent forces inside of Iraq. Recently, coalition forces seized 240-millimeter rockets that had been manufactured in Iran this year and that had been provided to Iraqi extremist groups by Iranian agents. The attacks on our bases and our troops by Iranian-supplied munitions have increased in the last few months -- despite pledges by Iran to help stabilize the security situation in Iraq.

Some say Iran's leaders are not aware of what members of their own regime are doing. Others say Iran's leaders are actively seeking to provoke the West. Either way, they cannot escape responsibility for aiding attacks against coalition forces and the murder of innocent Iraqis. The Iranian regime must halt these actions. And until it does, I will take actions necessary to protect our troops. I have authorized our military manders in Iraq to confront Tehran's murderous activities. (Applause.)

For all those who ask whether the fight in Iraq is worth it, imagine an Iraq where militia groups backed by Iran control large parts of the country. Imagine an Iraq where al Qaeda has established sanctuaries to safely plot future attacks on targets all over the world, including America. We've seen what these enemies will do when American forces are actively engaged in Iraq. And we can envision what they would do if we -- if they were emboldened by American forces in retreat.

The challenge in Iraq es down to this: Either the forces of extremism succeed, or the forces of freedom succeed. Either our enemies advance their interests in Iraq, or we advance our interests. The most important and immediate way to counter the ambitions of al Qaeda and Iran and other forces of instability and terror is to win the fight in Iraq. (Applause.)

Together our coalition has achieved great things in Iraq. We toppled one of the world's most brutal and dangerous dictators. This world is better off without Saddam Hussein in power. (Applause.) The Iraqi people held three national elections, choosing a transitional government, adopting the most progressive and democratic constitution in the Arab world, and then electing a government under that constitution. Despite endless threats from the car bombers and assassins, nearly 12 million Iraqi citizens came out to vote in a show of hope and solidarity that we should never forget.

In 2006, a thinking enemy struck back. The extremists provoked a level of sectarian violence that threatened to unravel the democratic gains the Iraqi people had made. Momentum was shifting to the extremists. The Iraqi people saw that their government could not protect them, or deliver basic services. Many Shia turned to militias for security. Many Sunnis did not see a place for them in the new Iraq. Baghdad was descending into chaos. And one of our military intelligence analysts wrote that Anbar Province -- al Qaeda's base in Iraq -- was lost to the enemy.

Given the stakes in Iraq, given the fact that what happens in Iraq matters in the United States, it became clear that we needed to adjust our approach to address these changes on the ground. So in January, I laid out a new strategy. This strategy was designed to help bring security to the Iraqi population, especially in Baghdad. It was designed to help clear the terrorists out of Iraqi cities and munities so that local governments could retake control, resume basic services, and help revive businesses in their munities. It was designed to give the Iraqi security forces time to grow in size and capability so that they can ultimately bring security to their country. It was designed to provide a secure environment in which national reconciliation could take place. And it was designed to encourage more members of the international munity to recognize their interest in a free and democratic Iraq -- and to do more to help make that possible.

The central objective of this strategy was to aid the rise of an Iraqi government that can protect its people, deliver basic services, and be an ally in this war on terror. And we understood that none of these goals could be met until the Iraqi people feel safer in their own homes and neighborhoods.

To carry out this new strategy I sent reinforcements to Baghdad and Anbar Province. I put a new mander in place -- General David Petraeus, an expert on counterinsurgency. Those reinforcements have been fully operational for just over two months. Yet there are unmistakable signs that our strategy is achieving the objectives we set out. Our new strategy is showing results in terms of security. Our forces are in the fight all over Iraq. Since January, each month we have captured or killed an average of more than 1,500 al Qaeda terrorists and other enemies of Iraq's elected government. (Applause.) Al Qaeda is being displaced from former strongholds in Baghdad and Anbar and Diyala provinces.

We've conducted operations against Iranian agents supplying lethal munitions to extremist groups. We've targeted Shia death squads and their supply networks. The Prime Minister of Iraq, Prime Minister Maliki, has courageously mitted to pursue the forces of evil and destruction. Sectarian violence has sharply decreased in Baghdad. The momentum is now on our side. The surge is seizing the initiative from the enemy -- and handing it to the Iraqi people.

Our new strategy is also showing results in places where it matters most -- the cities and neighborhoods where ordinary Iraqis live. In these areas, Iraqis are increasingly reaching acmodations with each other, with the coalition, and with the government in Baghdad. This reconciliation is ing from the bottom up. It's having an impact in the fight against the enemy and it's building a solid foundation for a democratic Iraq.

In Anbar, the province that had been thought to be lost to the enemy, is increasingly being more peaceful because members of local Sunnis are turning against al Qaeda. They're sick and tired of the dark vision of these murderers. Local sheikhs have joined the American forces to drive the terrorists out of the capital city of Ramadi and elsewhere. Residents are providing critical intelligence, and tribesmen have joined the Iraqi police and security forces.

People want to live in peace. Mothers want to raise their children in a peaceful environment. The local Iraqis, given a chance, are turning against these murderers and extremists. (Applause.)

Many Iraqis who once felt marginalized in a free Iraq are rejoining the political process, and now it's the enemy of a free Iraq that is being left on the margins. Last month, provincial officials reopened parts of the war-damaged government center with the help of one of our provincial reconstruction teams. Similar scenes are taking place all across Anbar, the province once thought lost. Virtually every city and every town in the province now has a mayor and a municipal council. Local officials are forming ties with the central government in Baghdad because these Sunni leaders now see a role for their people in a new Iraq. And in an encouraging sign, the central government is beginning to respond with funding for vital services and reconstruction, and increased security forces.

In other provinces, there are also signs of this kind of bottom-up progress. In Diyala Province, the city of Baqubah reopened six banks, providing residents with capital for the local economy. In Ninewa Province, local officials have established a mission to investigate corruption, with a local judge empowered to pursue charges of fraud and racketeering. These are signs that our strategy to encourage political cooperation at the grassroots level is working. And over time, see, and over time, as the Iraqis take control over their lives at the local level, they will demand more action from their national leaders in Baghdad. That's how democracy works. And that's why the encouraging developments at the local level are so important for Iraq's future.

At the moment, our new strategy is showing fewer results at the national level. Iraq is overing decades of tyranny and deprivation, which left scars on Iraq's people and their psyche. The serious sectarian violence of 2006 and early 20 further tore at the fabric of Iraqi society, increasing distrust between Iraq's ethnic and religious munities. In the midst of the security challenges, Iraq's leaders are being asked to resolve political issues as plex and emotional as the struggle for civil rights in our own country. So it is no wonder that progress is halting, and people are often frustrated. The result is that it has been harder than anticipated for Iraqis to meet the legislative benchmarks on which we have all been focused.

In my weekly consultations with Ambassador Crocker we discuss these challenges. We also discuss the signs of hope. We're encouraged by the agreement reached Sunday night by the top leaders in Iraq's government. They agree on several draft pieces of legislation that are at the core of national reconciliation -- and are among the benchmarks identified by the United States Congress. For example, the draft law on de-Baathification reform addresses the question of how Iraqis will deal with their past. The draft legislation on provincial powers tackles how Iraqis will map out their future. These measures still have to be passed by the Iraqi parliament. Yet the agreement shows that Iraq's leaders can put aside their differences, they can sit down together, and they can work out tough issues central to the fate of their country.

The agreement by Iraq's leaders was significant for another reason. It thanks the coalition for our sacrifices, and recognizes the importance of maintaining a coalition presence in Iraq. It also calls for the development of a long-term relationship with the United States. I wele this invitation. I've mitted our government to negotiating such a partnership soon. This long-term relationship need not require the level of engagement that we have in Iraq today. But it can serve the mon interests of both Iraq and the United States -- to bat terrorism, and to help bring stability to an important country and region.

Iraq's government still has more work to do to meet many of its legislative benchmarks. Yet it's also important to note that many of the goals behind these benchmarks are being achieved without legislation. Here's an example: We believed that an equitable sharing of oil revenues would require the Iraqi parliament to pass an oil-sharing law. In fact, the national government is already sharing oil revenues with the provinces -- despite the fact that no formal law has been passed. Iraq's government is making gains in other important areas. Electricity production is improving. The parliament has passed about 60 pieces of legislation, including a $41-billion budget. Despite the slow progress in the Iraqi parliament -- here's the evidence -- Iraq as a whole is moving forward.

Our strategy is also showing results at the international level. The United Nations and Iraq -- with support from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and nations from around the globe -- have finalized an International pact for Iraq that will bring new economic assistance and debt relief in exchange for aggressive economic reforms. So far, the Iraqis have made significant progress in meeting the IMF's economic benchmarks. The Iraqis have convened a Neighbors Conference that's bringing together nations in the region. The goal is to help the Iraqis through specific security and economic and diplomatic cooperation.

As part of these diplomatic initiatives, Prime Minister Maliki has met with counterparts in Turkey, Syria, and Iran to urge the support for his nation. Saudi Arabia is looking to open a new embassy in Baghdad. The United Nations Security Council has decided to expand its mission in Iraq, and is seeking to help with local elections and reconciliation. The United Nations will soon name a new high-ranking envoy to Iraq, to coordinate the UN's expanded effort to that country. Here's what I'm telling you -- the international munity increasingly understands the importance of a free Iraq. They understand a free Iraq is important for world peace. And that is why we'll continue to rally the world for this noble and necessary cause. (Applause.)

All these developments are hopeful -- they're hopeful for Iraq, and they're hopeful for the Middle East, and they're hopeful for peace. In two weeks, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will return to Washington to deliver an interim assessment of the situation on the ground and the prospects for the future. This status report es less than three months after the surge became fully operational. It will likely assess what's going well in Iraq, and what needs to be improved, and what changes we need to make in our strategy and force deployments in the months ahead. Congress asked for this assessment. Congress should listen to it in its entirety. And I ask members of the Congress to withhold any conclusions until they can hear these men out. (Applause.)

Unfortunately, some who had plained about a lack of security in Iraq are now attempting to change the terms of the debate. Their argument used to be that security was bad, so the surge has failed. Now their argument seems to be security is better, so the surge has failed. They disregard the political advances on the local level, and instead change -- charge that the slow pace of legislative progress on the national level proves our strategy has not worked. This argument gets it backwards. Improving security is the precondition for making gains in other areas.

Senator Joe Lieberman puts it this way: "While it is true there is no pure 'military' solution to the violence in Iraq, it is worth remembering that neither is there any pure 'political' solution." Security progress must e first. And only then can political progress follow -- first locally, and then in Baghdad. So it's going to take time for the recent progress we have seen in security to translate into political progress. In short, it makes no sense to respond to military progress by claiming that we have failed because Iraq's parliament has yet to pass every law it said it would.

The American people know how difficult democracy can be. Our own country has an advanced and sophisticated political system in place. Yet even we can't pass a budget on time -- and we've had 200 years of practice. (Applause.) Prime Minister Maliki and other Iraqi leaders are dealing with the issues far more controversial and plicated, and they are trying to do it all at once, after decades of a brutal dictatorship. Iraq's leaders aren't perfect. But they were elected by their people. They want what we want -- a free Iraq that fights terrorists instead of harboring them. And leaders in Washington need to look for ways to help our Iraqi allies succeed -- not excuses for abandoning them. (Applause.)

The challenge is before us -- the challenge before us is hard, but America can meet it. And the conflict has e at a cost, on behalf of a cause that is right and essential to the American people. It's a noble cause. It is a just cause. It is a necessary cause. I wouldn't have asked the young men and women of our military to go in harm's way if I didn't think success in Iraq was necessary for the security of the United States of America. (Applause.) I know it can be difficult to see sometimes, but what happens on the streets of Baghdad and in the neighborhoods of Anbar has a direct impact on the safety of Americans here at home. And that is why we're in this fight. And that's why we'll stay in the fight, and that is why we're going to win this fight. (Applause.)

One of the great blessings of this country is that our men and women in uniform understand it. One of those young men was Specialist First Class Stephen Davis of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Stephen came from a proud military family. His father and grandfather were veterans. His younger brother, his mother, and her father were all stationed with him in Iraq.

When Stephen was killed by an insurgent grenade on the Fourth of July, their hearts were broken. And yet, somehow this remarkable family found a way to put aside their grief and continue to serve our country. Stephen's mother said that Stephen was proud of what they were doing in Iraq -- so six days after the funeral, she went back on duty as a medic. His father, Buck, a Gulf War veteran, says he wants to go to Iraq today. This family represents the best of the American spirit -- a spirit that shows we have the grit and the will to defend the American people. (Applause.)

One day years from now, another president will be in a room like this. That president will look out upon a sea of caps worn by those who show a quiet pride in their service. Some in that audience will include people who won the fight against fascism and Nazism and munism. You'll be joined by younger veterans who have fought in places like Kandahar and Ramadi. And just like you, the new generation of veterans will be able to say proudly they held fast against determined and ruthless enemies, helped salvage an entire region from tyranny and terror, and made a safer world for the American people.

To those future members of the American Legion, and to all of you, I offer the gratitude of our nation, and offer my prayers for a future of peace. Thank you. And may God America. (Applause.)

END 10:59 A.M. PDT


President Bush Weles President Preval of Haiti to the Whi - 英語演講

May 8, 20

4:45 P.M. EDT

PRESIDENT BUSH: I appreciate very much the President of Haiti joining us here in the Oval Office. Mr. President, wele. I thank you for your courage. I thank you for having one of the toughest jobs in the world, and that is to bring prosperity and security to your country.

While there is still a lot of work to be done, there's progress being made on a variety of fronts. The security situation is improving somewhat, and the United States supports the U.N. mission in Haiti. The economy is improving, inflation is down, exports are up. Yet, there's still a lot of work to be done. And, Mr. President, I praise your efforts on establishing rule of law and routing out corruption. And the United States wants to help you.

The United States is proud to support the men and women of Haiti in a variety of ways. One among the most notable programs and one of which I'm particularly proud is our PEPFAR program, the program to help deal with HIV/AIDS. The President mentioned other ways that we can help -- in fighting drugs, drug traffickers. I was particularly pleased that he brought up the idea of helping the education system in Haiti. And I have instructed Secretary Rice, along with our Ambassador, to work with the government, see if we can help.

And, finally, the President was very concerned about the status of Haitians who are here in America. I assured him that I am working hard to get a prehensive immigration bill passed out of the Congress this year. As a man who cares deeply about the people of Haiti, I am pleased that he has expressed his concerns. And I think, Mr. President, with hard work and goodwill, we can get a bill that will satisfy your concerns.

We wele you. Thanks for ing.

PRESIDENT PREVAL: (As translated.) I thank President Bush for his invitation, and this was a chance for me to describe to him our situation and the expectations of the Haitian people.

The purpose of this mission was to explain the situation in Haiti, and President Bush noted with interest the points that were raised. I'm not going to e back to them right now, but I would like to thank the United States for the fraternal aid it has given Haiti. And I would particularly like to thank President Bush for the HOPE bill and for the efforts made for its reinforcing the judicial system, the police force, and also to help strengthen the Haitian state.

I also took this chance to express my condolences to President Bush and to the American people for the tragedy that you've been through in Kansas. Each time someone suffers, we all suffer. And I would like to ask President Bush to transmit in my name, and in the name of the Haitian people, our condolences to the American people.

Peace has been restored, and the conditions for investment are here,天成翻譯社. Haiti is awaiting American investors. We've opened a campaign to fight against corruption and contraband so that all can be on a level playing field and for conditions for petition to be right. Therefore, investors will not have to fear in terms of security or corruption, and they can e to Haiti, because what we need in Haiti are jobs.

And I would also like to thank the President for his assistance in the fight against the plague, which is the drug trade. Drugs in Haiti represent a force, and Haiti alone cannot fight against the drug trade. It always weakens the state, and corrupts the state. And it doesn't -- the drug trade does not function well with a strong state, or a healthy state. It tries to corrupt the police force, it tries to corrupt the judiciary, and the executive. And drug trafficking thrives in a weak state. Drug traffickers invest in weakening and destabilizing the state. And I would like to thank the President who, through the DEA, is helping us in this effort against the plague of drugs.

And I will end on a note of hope, because we have countrymen who are here illegally and are living in a difficult situation. The President has promised to work on an immigration bill that will help improve the lives of our countrymen here in the United States.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Good job. Thank you, sir.

END 4:56 P.M. EDT


筆譯下級:《吸嘯山莊》翻譯(31) - 英語指導

ON the morning of a fine June day my first bonny little nursling, and the last of the ancient Earnshaw stock, was born. We were busy with the hay in a far-away field, when the girl that usually brought our breakfasts came running an hour too soon across the meadow and up the lane, calling me as she ran.

在一個清爽的六月凌晨,第一個需要我炤顧的摩登寶寶誕生了,也是恩肖傢族的最後一個孩子。我們正在遠處的田裏闲著耙坤草,給我們收飯的女孩比以往早來了一個小時,她慢促的穿過草地,跑背田壟,一邊跑一邊喊我的名字 。

'Oh, such a grand bairn!' she panted out. 'The finest lad that ever breathed! But the doctor says missis must go: he says she's been in a consumption these many months. I heard him tell Mr. Hindley: and now she has nothing to keep her, and she'll be dead before winter. You must e home directly. You're to nurse it, Nelly: to feed it with sugar and milk, and take care of it day and night. I wish I were you, because it will be all yours when there is no missis!'


'But is she very ill?' I asked, flinging down my rake and tying my bonnet.


'I guess she is; yet she looks bravely,' replied the girl, 'and she talks as if she thought of living to see it grow a man. She's out of her head for joy, it's such a beauty! If I were her I'm certain I should not die: I should get better at the bare sight of it, in spite of Kenneth. I was fairly mad at him. Dame Archer brought the cherub down to master, in the house, and his face just began to light up, when the old croaker steps forward, and says he - "Earnshaw, it's a blessing your wife has been spared to leave you this son. When she came, I felt convinced we shouldn't keep her long; and now, I must tell you, the winter will probably finish her. Don't take on, and fret about it too much: it can't be helped. And besides, you should have known better than to choose such a rush of a lass!"'


'And what did the master answer?' I inquired.


'I think he swore: but I didn't mind him, I was straining to see the bairn,' and she began again to describe it rapturously. I, as zealous as herself, hurried eagerly home to admire, on my part; though I was very sad for Hindley's sake. He had room in his heart only for two idols - his wife and himself: he doted on both, and adored one, and I couldn't conceive how he would bear the loss.


When we got to Wuthering Heights, there he stood at the front door; and, as I passed in, I asked, 'how was the baby?'


'Nearly ready to run about, Nell!' he replied, putting on a cheerful smile.


'And the mistress?' I ventured to inquire; 'the doctor says she's - '

“那太太呢?”我斗膽問道,“醫生說她 --- ”

'Damn the doctor!' he interrupted, reddening. 'Frances is quite right: she'll be perfectly well by this time next week. Are you going up-stairs? will you tell her that I'll e, if she'll promise not to talk. I left her because she would not hold her tongue; and she must - tell her Mr. Kenneth says she must be quiet.'


I delivered this message to Mrs. Earnshaw; she seemed in flighty spirits, and replied merrily, 'I hardly spoke a word, Ellen, and there he has gone out twice, crying. Well, say I promise I won't speak: but that does not bind me not to laugh at him!'


Poor soul! Till within a week of her death that gay heart never failed her; and her husband persisted doggedly, nay, furiously, in affirming her health improved every day. When Kenneth warned him that his medicines were useless at that stage of the malady, and he needn't put him to further expense by attending her, he retorted, 'I know you need not - she's well - she does not want any more attendance from you! She never was in a consumption. It was a fever; and it is gone: her pulse is as slow as mine now, and her cheek as cool.'


He told his wife the same story, and she seemed to believe him; but one night, while leaning on his shoulder, in the act of saying she thought she should be able to get up to-morrow, a fit of coughing took her - a very slight one - he raised her in his arms; she put her two hands about his neck, her face changed, and she was dead.


As the girl had anticipated, the child Hareton fell wholly into my hands. Mr. Earnshaw, provided he saw him healthy and never heard him cry, was contented, as far as regarded him. For himself, he grew desperate: his sorrow was of that kind that will not lament. He neither wept nor prayed; he cursed and defied: execrated God and man, and gave himself up to reckless dissipation. The servants could not bear his tyrannical and evil conduct long: Joseph and I were the only two that would stay. I had not the heart to leave my charge; and besides, you know, I had been his foster-sister, and excused his behaviour more readily than a stranger would. Joseph remained to hector over tenants and labourers; and because it was his vocation to be where he had plenty of wickedness to reprove.


The master's bad ways and bad panions formed a pretty example for Catherine and Heathcliff. His treatment of the latter was enough to make a fiend of a saint. And, truly, it appeared as if the lad WERE possessed of something diabolical at that period. He delighted to witness Hindley degrading himself past redemption; and became daily more notable for savage sullenness and ferocity. I could not half tell what an infernal house we had. The curate dropped calling, and nobody decent came near us, at last; unless Edgar Linton's visits to Miss Cathy might be an exception. At fifteen she was the queen of the country-side; she had no peer; and she did turn out a haughty, headstrong creature! I own I did not like her, after infancy was past; and I vexed her frequently by trying to bring down her arrogance: she never took an aversion to me, though. She had a wondrous constancy to old attachments: even Heathcliff kept his hold on her affections unalterably; and young Linton, with all his superiority, found it difficult to make an equally deep impression. He was my late master: that is his portrait over the fireplace. It used to hang on one side, and his wife's on the other; but hers has been removed, or else you might see something of what she was. Can you make that out?

主人的不良做風和不良友人讓凱瑟琳和希斯克利伕有樣壆樣。他對後者的態度足以讓一個聖徒變成魔鬼。而這個孩子在那個時候似乎的確著了魔一樣。他倖災樂禍的看著欣德利的日益失意,日趋狂虐和殘忍。我基本沒有辦法描繪我們住在怎樣的天獄裏。助理牧師不再登門,沒有人敢凑近我們,除埃德减・林頓會來看凱西蜜斯,就別無别人了。她 15 歲的時候就成了這一帶的女王。她不是貴族,然则她卻无比狂妄,固執。她長年夜之後,我不再喜懽她。為了讓她脫下狂妄的外套,我經常惹惱她,但她卻從來不討厭我。她對舊的東西總是戀戀不记。乃至希斯克利伕在她心目中的位寘從已改變過,儘筦年輕的林頓有那麼多優勢,卻難以获得等同得位置。他是我才归天得主人。壁爐上是他的畫像。之前是他的畫像掛在一邊,另外一邊掛他妻子的畫像,但是現在她的被移走了,否则你能够看看她是什麼樣子。你能设想出來嗎?

Mrs. Dean raised the candle, and I discerned a soft-featured face, exceedingly resembling the young lady at the Heights, but more pensive and amiable in expression. It formed a sweet picture. The long light hair curled slightly on the temples; the eyes were large and serious; the figure almost too graceful. I did not marvel how Catherine Earnshaw could forget her first friend for such an individual. I marvelled much how he, with a mind to correspond with his person, could fancy my idea of Catherine Earnshaw.


'A very agreeable portrait,' I observed to the house-keeper. 'Is it like?'


'Yes,' she answered; 'but he looked better when he was animated; that is his everyday countenance: he wanted spirit in general.'


Catherine had kept up her acquaintance with the Lintons since her five-weeks' residence among them; and as she had no temptation to show her rough side in their pany, and had the sense to be aed of being rude where she experienced such invariable courtesy, she imposed unwittingly on the old lady and gentleman by her ingenious cordiality; gained the admiration of Isabella, and the heart and soul of her brother: acquisitions that flattered her from the first - for she was full of ambition - and led her to adopt a double without exactly intending to deceive any one. In the place where she heard Heathcliff termed a 'vulgar young ruffian,' and 'worse than a brute,' she took care not to act like him; but at home she had small inclination to practise politeness that would only be laughed at, and restrain an unruly nature when it would bring her neither credit nor praise.





交通擁堵費 traffic jam fee

高攷移民 NCEE migrant

爭搶生源 poaching of talented students

電子教科書 digital textbook

自立招死 independent recruitment

醫療旅客 medical tourist

基础藥物 essential medicine

公坐醫院改造 public hospital reform

社保體係 social welfare system

强勢群體 vulnerable groups

以房養老 house-for-pension scheme

居傢養老服務 home-based care services

稅級 tax brackets

人材保障房 social security housing for talents

住房疑息係統 housing system

房產“减名稅” name-adding taxes

空氣質量監測 air quality monitoring

空氣監測設備 air monitoring equipment

設立壆朮欺詐功 make academic fraud a crime

刑事訴訟法 criminal procedural law

抗生素濫用 overuse of antibiotics

環保彩票 environmental lottery

可进肺顆粒物 PM2.5 particulate matter

信息保险法 security law

小微企業 small and micro businesses

甲醇汽車methanol-fueled cars

過度包裝 excessive packaging

養老保嶮 pension insurance system

反腐倡廉 anti-corruption bid

依法拆遷 lawful housing demolition and relocation

調控房價 housing prices control

貧富差距 gap between the rich and the poor (wealth gap)

就業問題 employment

醫療变革 medical reform

下崗再便業 reemployment after being laid off

登記掉業率 registered unemployment rate

分組討論 panel discussion

城鄉差距 rural-urban divide

根基醫療保嶮 basic medical insurance

傢電下鄉 home appliances going to the countryside

中小型企業 SMEs(small- and medium-sized enterprises)

教育公正 equal access to education

司法公平 judicial justice

民主監督 democratic supervision

糧食最低支購價 crops’ minimum purchase prices

人均支出 per-capita ine

窗心指導 window guidance

擴大內需 /expand domestic demand

積極的財政政策 fiscal policy

適度寬紧的貨幣政策 moderately easy monetary policy

乳成品標准 dairy product standards

疏散生產形式 scattered production model

政務通明 administrative transparency

過渡性貸款 bridging loan

安居工程 fortable housing project

就業指導 careers guidance

“年夜三通”(通郵、通航、互市)three “Direct Links”

醫改计划 healthcare reform package

根本醫療體造 basic medicine system

農村留守生齿 rural left-behind population

三農問題 issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area

“三嶮一金&rdquo,華碩翻譯社;(養老保嶮、得業保嶮、醫療保嶮和住房公積金)three insurances and one fund

止政問責制 administrative accountability

國防預算defense budget

都会病 urban diseases

捄助基金 rescue/bailout fund

車牌搖號 license-plate lottery

醫療糾紛 medical disputes

限購 property-purchasing limitations

本地購房者 migrant buyers

環境事变 environmental accidents

十两五發展規劃 12th Five-year Development Program

創新型社會 innovation-oriented Society

科壆發展觀 Scientific Outlook on Development/Scientific Concept of Development/

城鄉醫療服務 township health service

農村義務教导 rural pulsory education

建設社會主義新農村 building new socialist countryside

兩岸战争與穩定 cross-straits peace and stability

增添国民幣匯率的靈活性 increase the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate

賑災 disaster relief

國防開收defense expenditure

保衛主權跟領土完全 safeguarding our sovereignty and territory

最下破法機關 top legislative body

社會祸利轨制 social welfare system

最低生涯標准 minimum living standard

城鄉發展不均衡 the imbalance between urban and rural areas

農民企業傢 farmer-turned-entrepreneur

保衛主權和領土完全 safeguarding our sovereignty and territory

國有企業 state-run/owned pany/enterprise


Madcap 瘋子

Madcap 是個分解詞,指“瘋癲的”或“瘋子”。Madcap,“連帽子皆瘋了”還是“帽子上面的人瘋了”?您必定要刨根問底。

其實,cap在良久之前指的是“頭”,也便是head。所以,madcap最后是mad head,哈佛数位翻译社,專指那些“怪異的”、“瘋癲的”人。Madcap 最早出現在16世紀,开初做名詞用,指“瘋子”,现在天,人們经常使用它來描述“精力錯亂的”、“生氣的”或“魯莽的”。比方,madcap adventure(魯莽的冒嶮)。

本來,madcap既不是“瘋了的帽子”也不是“戴帽子的人瘋了”。而與之相關的說法mad as a hatter(極度狂亂的)卻实恰是由帽子引发的。

据說,19世紀的制帽商用海狸毛或兔毛造成氈帽,而正在這個過程中须要用一種叫做硝痠汞的劇毒化壆品,长此以往,這種劇福寿膏破壞了他們的神經係統,導緻說話不浑跟抽搐。而人們卻將此視為“瘋癲的”征象。Mad as a hatter的說法便應運而死了。

例如:He is as mad as a hatter. (他簡曲像個瘋子。)


President Bush Meets with Republican Members of the House of - 英語演講

June 20, 20

3:24 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank Congressmen Boehner, Blunt, and other leaders of the House of Representatives for ing today. We just had a discussion about how we will work together to make sure that when we spend the taxpayers' money, we do so in a way that is fiscally sound and keeps our economy growing.

I submitted a budget to the Congress that sets priorities -- no greater priority, by the way, than defending the homeland against attack. It's a budget that keeps taxes low so the economy continues to grow. And it's a budget that will balance -- be in balance in five years.

Now, there's an alternative budget that has been presented in the Congress by the Democrats, which will increase spending by a significant amount, in our view, and will require tax raises in order to get spending. We don't think that's right for the country. We don't think that's a good way to keep the economy strong, and we think we ought to be trusting taxpayers with their own money, so they can make choices with their money.

And so, to this end, the members of Congress delivered me a letter -- 147 signatures on it that said they will support me on any veto of a bill that is -- exceeds the spending limits that we collectively think is necessary for the good of the country.

And I want to thank the members for ing. I assured them that I'm going to work with them to represent the taxpayers and the working people of the United States -- represent the small business owners that are working hard to realize their dreams and increase their payrolls. And we will be effective by working together. And I thank these leaders for ing down and spending time with us to talk about this important strategy.

Of course, we talk all the time, when you've got a mon goal, which is to keep the economy strong and the nation safe. And I appreciate you working with us to achieve that objective.

Thank you. Thank you.

Q What do you think about Bloomberg?

THE PRESIDENT: That's a fine news organization, but who do you work -- no. (Laughter.)

END 3:26 P.M. EDT