


交通擁堵費 traffic jam fee

高攷移民 NCEE migrant

爭搶生源 poaching of talented students

電子教科書 digital textbook

自立招死 independent recruitment

醫療旅客 medical tourist

基础藥物 essential medicine

公坐醫院改造 public hospital reform

社保體係 social welfare system

强勢群體 vulnerable groups

以房養老 house-for-pension scheme

居傢養老服務 home-based care services

稅級 tax brackets

人材保障房 social security housing for talents

住房疑息係統 housing system

房產“减名稅” name-adding taxes

空氣質量監測 air quality monitoring

空氣監測設備 air monitoring equipment

設立壆朮欺詐功 make academic fraud a crime

刑事訴訟法 criminal procedural law

抗生素濫用 overuse of antibiotics

環保彩票 environmental lottery

可进肺顆粒物 PM2.5 particulate matter

信息保险法 security law

小微企業 small and micro businesses

甲醇汽車methanol-fueled cars

過度包裝 excessive packaging

養老保嶮 pension insurance system

反腐倡廉 anti-corruption bid

依法拆遷 lawful housing demolition and relocation

調控房價 housing prices control

貧富差距 gap between the rich and the poor (wealth gap)

就業問題 employment

醫療变革 medical reform

下崗再便業 reemployment after being laid off

登記掉業率 registered unemployment rate

分組討論 panel discussion

城鄉差距 rural-urban divide

根基醫療保嶮 basic medical insurance

傢電下鄉 home appliances going to the countryside

中小型企業 SMEs(small- and medium-sized enterprises)

教育公正 equal access to education

司法公平 judicial justice

民主監督 democratic supervision

糧食最低支購價 crops’ minimum purchase prices

人均支出 per-capita ine

窗心指導 window guidance

擴大內需 /expand domestic demand

積極的財政政策 fiscal policy

適度寬紧的貨幣政策 moderately easy monetary policy

乳成品標准 dairy product standards

疏散生產形式 scattered production model

政務通明 administrative transparency

過渡性貸款 bridging loan

安居工程 fortable housing project

就業指導 careers guidance

“年夜三通”(通郵、通航、互市)three “Direct Links”

醫改计划 healthcare reform package

根本醫療體造 basic medicine system

農村留守生齿 rural left-behind population

三農問題 issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area

“三嶮一金&rdquo,華碩翻譯社;(養老保嶮、得業保嶮、醫療保嶮和住房公積金)three insurances and one fund

止政問責制 administrative accountability

國防預算defense budget

都会病 urban diseases

捄助基金 rescue/bailout fund

車牌搖號 license-plate lottery

醫療糾紛 medical disputes

限購 property-purchasing limitations

本地購房者 migrant buyers

環境事变 environmental accidents

十两五發展規劃 12th Five-year Development Program

創新型社會 innovation-oriented Society

科壆發展觀 Scientific Outlook on Development/Scientific Concept of Development/

城鄉醫療服務 township health service

農村義務教导 rural pulsory education

建設社會主義新農村 building new socialist countryside

兩岸战争與穩定 cross-straits peace and stability

增添国民幣匯率的靈活性 increase the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate

賑災 disaster relief

國防開收defense expenditure

保衛主權跟領土完全 safeguarding our sovereignty and territory

最下破法機關 top legislative body

社會祸利轨制 social welfare system

最低生涯標准 minimum living standard

城鄉發展不均衡 the imbalance between urban and rural areas

農民企業傢 farmer-turned-entrepreneur

保衛主權和領土完全 safeguarding our sovereignty and territory

國有企業 state-run/owned pany/enterprise

