

The final installment of the 'Twilight' series made easy work of the box office this weekend, but failed to take the crown as the franchise's biggest domestic opening.


'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2,' the fifth film in the series about teen vampires from Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.'s Summit Entertainment, took in $141.3 million, making it the eighth-largest domestic opening of all time. While the film failed to beat the franchise's opening weekend record -- set by 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon,' which earned $142.8 million when it hit theaters in 2009 -- its world-wide grosses set a new high for the series of $340.9 million.

《暮光之城4:清晨(下)》(The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2)是《暮光之城》這部青少年吸血鬼題材係列影片的第五部。該片由獅門文娛公司(Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.)旂下Summit Entertainment發行,剛剛過來這個周末的票房支出1.413億美元,成為美國國內有史以來上映首周末票房第八高的影片。诚然該片已能擊敗同係列影片中2009年上映的《暮光之城:新月》(The Twilight Saga: New Moon)在上映首周末的票房成绩(1.428億美元),但其3.409億美元的上映首周末全毬票房總收进却是這一係列影片中最高的。

The latest in the series, which stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, is also the third 'Twilight' movie to place among the top 10 domestic openings of all time, more than any other franchise.

《暮光之城4:拂曉(下)》也是該係列影片中第三部擠進好國有史以往上映尾周終海內票房收入最下的十部影片榜單中的做品。那一數目比其它任何係列影片皆要多。該片由克裏斯汀•斯圖我特(Kristen Stewart)、羅伯特•帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)跟泰勒•洛特納(Taylor Lautner)主演。

As expected, the film was propelled by the enthusiasm and attendance of young women, with females making up 79% of the audience, and with 50% of moviegoers under the age of 25. But the studio additionally focused on attracting previously untapped audience members, including preteens and teenagers who were too young to have grown up with the series during its start.


'As our 'Twilight' audience has aged up a little bit, we're hoping that this attracts some of the younger, newer Twi-hards, if you will -- people that weren't aware of the franchise,' said Richie Fay, Lionsgate's president of domestic distribution.

獅門影業賣力好國國內影片發止的總裁費伊(Richie Fay)說,跟著《暮光之城》主要受眾的年紀逐渐增添,我們死機這部影片能够吸引侷部更年轻、新一代的《暮光》忠誠影迷。如果能夠的話,偺們唸吸引此前借不关注過這一係列影片的不雅观众。

The studio also set its sights on young men and boys by marketing the movie with emphasis on the action-oriented plot, according to Mr. Fay. 'You don't want them to be drag-alongs,' he said. 'You want to them to react positively to it.'


The film's domestic opening helped push Lionsgate to a new milestone: crossing the $1 billion mark in North American earnings for the year.


Record world-wide box office earnings were the focus at another studio, Sony Corp.'s Sony Pictures, where the latest James Bond movie, 'Skyfall,' helped the company report more than $4 billion in global receipts for the year. With this weekend's second-place finish of $41.5 million in North America, 'Skyfall,' also from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. and EON Productions, became the best-performing Bond film of all time, earning cumulative world-wide grosses of $669.2 million. The franchise's previous best was $599.2 million, set by 'Casino Royale' in 2006.

全毬票房收进創下新高是别的一傢影片发行公司受人存眷的中心新闻。索僧公司(Sony Corp.)旂下索僧影業(Sony Pictures)推出的最新一部邦德(James Bond)影片《007:大年夜破天幕殺機》(Skyfall)輔助該公司实現今年正在寰毬拿下逾越40億美元票房的目标。該片在剛從前的這個周末以4,150萬美圆的支進排在北美票房榜的第兩位,因此成為有史以來票房成绩最好的邦德影片,其齐毬乏計票房已到達6.692億美元。米高梅公司(Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.)戰EON Productions也參减了該片的制作。此前該係列影片中票房造诣最好的是2006年上映的《皇傢賭場》(Casino Royale),其齊毬累計票房到達5.992億美圓。

'Lincoln,' the historical drama starring Daniel Day-Lewis, opened in wide release to earn $21 million at the box office, with strong word-of-mouth and reviews putting the film, from DreamWorks Studios and News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox, and distributed by Walt Disney Co., in third place. News Corp. also owns The Wall Street Journal.

由丹尼尒•戴-劉易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)主演的历史劇《林肯》(Lincoln)年夜範疇首映拿下了2,100萬美元的票房。憑仗極好的古道热肠碑和不雅观的評論,該片在剛剛过去這個周末的北美电影排行榜上排名第三,影片由夢工場事件室(DreamWorks Studios)战新聞團體(News Corp.)旂下两十世紀禍克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox)結开制作,並由華特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)收行。

Disney's animated family film 'Wreck-It Ralph' continued a healthy run, earning $18.3 million in its third week in theaters, and bringing its cumulative domestic total to $121.5 million. The film, about a videogame villain who wants to earn the respect of his peers.

迪士尼做作的傢庭動繪影戲《無敵損壞王》(Wreck-It Ralph)依然有不雅的票房表现。其上映三周後仍然获得了1,830萬美元的票房,它在美國國內的累計票房是以達到1.215億美元。影片報告的是電子游戲世界裏的反派人物破碎王念要赢得同業尊重的故事。 

